Logistics Services

global logistics services, airport logistic services

We provide Logistics support services such as Ware housing, custom clearance and transportation.


Each organization in the B2B (business-to-business) industry requires highly varied operations and processes. Each order delivery, whether to a single consumer or a corporation, must match your brand or you risk losing clients.


B2C has a smaller average order value than B2B, and the order fulfillment procedure is often simpler for B2C because there aren’t as many laws and specific standards to follow when delivering single purchases. Partnering with OCCPL can help your organization deliver ordered products to customers faster-even on the same day.


We have invested in the most innovative, secure, and up-to-date systems to track and trace your freight, be it by sea, air, or road when it comes to the C2C industry. Not only do we provide support for all your orders, but we also offer advanced management tools through all our supply chains and warehousing solutions.